The thirty Martha Marks’ fine art images that you see on this page are remnants of the past. Luckily, technology still lets her display them on this Best Nature Stock Photography website!
During the 1990s and early 2000s, Martha photographed many wild creatures. More than anything else, she focused on birds. Her tools at the time were Canon film cameras with top-of-the-line Canon “L” lenses. Those included the superb 500mm prime that produced every one of the gorgeous images on this page. She was so proud of these particular slides that she gave them creative names (as opposed to discriptive ones).
And then, in order to make prints, she hired a professional drum-scanner. Drum scanning is an older technology, but photographers who still shoot film use it. It generates superb, high-resolution, dust-free digital files that produce fine-art prints with impeccable color reproduction.
Martha has not sharpened any of these photos, as is often done to modern digital images. She did crop two of them (“Just Passing Through” and “Taking Care of Business”) for greater visual impact, but otherwise they are as they were on her original fine art film slides.
Overall, the images on this page are a small but essential part of Martha’s Best Nature Stock Photography portfolio. Over the years, several notable individuals, companies, and non-profits purchased and displayed prints of them in their personal and corporate collections.
HOVER YOUR CURSOR over any image to see its name and information.
CONTACT MARTHA if you’re interested in ordering a print or licensing an image for your own creative project.