34 images on this page:
- Canada Geese (4 family scenes)
- Cinnamon Teal (2)
- Common Merganser (2)
- Common Moorhen (1)
- Mallard (3)
- Mute Swan (1)
- Northern Pintail (3, including 1 panorama)
- Northern Shoveler (4, including a mated pair)
- Ruddy Duck (5, including 1 with a Yellow-headed Blackbird)
- Snow Geese (7, including 1 in flight, 1 with Loons, & 3 panoramas)
- Whistling Ducks (1 family scene)
- Wood Duck (1)
If you find these images appealing, Martha can:
- provide custom-made, matted and signed archival giclée prints,
- license their use for your own creative purposes… book covers, merchandise for resale, and so on,
- apply her “trick” to your own digital images.
CONTACT MARTHA if you’d like to know more.
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